World War One was a total war in a way that no previous war had been. It involved the governments, economies and populations of participating nations to an extent never seen before
in history. People at the time used this term to describe the size and devastation of the war. It helped them understand how the roles of soldiers and civilians became
difficult to separate. Men and women played vital roles in the war effort in many civilian services, in food production and war supplies as well as in the military services. All
their roles were vital to the country. This web site tries to commemorate their activities whatever sector they fell in. Those villagers who played a role in non-military
services are more difficult to track as their documentation was more diverse, but where we have found records of non-military service these are listed at the end of this page.
There are many stories and services in this area that we will not yet have found - their services were just as vital.
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Commemorating the military service of men and women of Collingham, Linton and Micklethwaite in World War 1.
We have found 180 men and women from Collingham, Linton and Micklethwaite who served in World War One. Those who served and died in the war are shown
in the list with a † alongside their name. These notes provide a brief summary of their lives and service.
We are working on uploading more details of their service.
Click on each man's name for a full description of their family and their service.
†: Men listed with this mark died during the Great War
= † = † = † = † = † = † = † = † =
We also commemorate the military service of men and women who served in The Great War and had connection with
Collingham, Linton or Micklethwaite after World War 1.
This section includes ex-servicemen and women who moved to the villages after the war, or where families of servicemen killed in the war moved to the villages after
the war.
This section is almost certainly incomplete and details are added as we come across men and women who fall in this category.
We also commemorate the civilian service of men and women who served in The Great War and had connection with
Collingham, Linton or Micklethwaite.
The nature of World War One meant that all villagers played a role in the war effort through maintaining the country, through food production, health, home security and war
supplies. This list should include all those villagers who were of military service age but who worked in 'reserved' or 'protected' occupations. As civilians going about their everyday lives the records of this type of service are hard to discover. This section is therefore missing many villagers
who played important roles and is therefore very incomplete. We will add details as we come across men and women who fall in this category.