This site commemorates the men and women of Collingham, Linton and Micklethwaite who served during World War 1. Today we especially commemorate Rifleman 43504 Tom Hinde Skinner of the King's Royal Rifle Corp who died on this day in 1966.

Collingham and Linton in the Great War

Cross of sacrifice

On August 4th 1914, Great Britain declared war on Germany. During World War 1 over 8 million British men and women saw service in the Forces, and over 950,000 died.

Every year at remembrancetide we honour the memories of the men and women who did not return home from the battles; but many did return, having made significant and valuable contributions, and many of these suffered from the mental and physical effects of the war.

In 2018, as we approached the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War, we wanted to mark the contributions of all these men and women. Those who were killed, or died, during the war are named on the village war memorials, but there are no compiled lists of those who returned. We have set a goal to try to create a list of men and women from the villages of Collingham and Linton in Yorkshire who served their country during World War One.

Please read the sections on recruitment, army life, army structure, the villages' memorials and the records used in our research. Analysis and statistics of the ages and backgrounds of the service personnel are on the statistics page. But if you want to go straight to the list of those who served and links to their stories you can use the link below.